PDA Leadership

Asif Ali, PhD
PDA Co-President
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology

Ayelen Lizarraga, PhD
PDA Secretary
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Medicine

Tony Copeland-Hardin, PhD
PDA DEI Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Public Health Sciences

Shamila Sarwar, PhD
PDA DEI Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Microbiology

Marina Kabirova, PhD
PDA Policy Committee Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Neurobiology

Pawan Kumar, PhD
PDA Seminar Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Ecology & Evolution
Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology

Bernardo Pinto, PhD
PDA Seminar Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Richa Agrawal, PhD
PDA Social Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Shahid Ali, PhD
PDA Social Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy

Julien Guillard, PhD
PDA Social Media Committee Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Medicine

Fernando Flores Guzman, PhD
PDA Survey Committee Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Surgery

Kevin Muñoz Forti, MSc, PhD
PDA Teaching and Outreach Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Medicine

Kathryn Sanchez, PhD
PDA Teaching and Outreach Committee Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Pediatrics

Alka Singh, PhD
PDA Welcome Committee Chair
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Medicine

Zeeshan Banday, PhD
PDA Policy Committee Co-Chair
Research Scientist
Department of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
PDA Alumni
- Elizabeth Lee – Assistant Professor, Villanova University. PDA Role: PDA President
- Andréanne Morin – Bioinformatician at Imagia Canexia Health, PDA Role: Survey Committee Chair
- Britney Helling – Senior Scientist I at AbbVie, PDA Role: PDA President
- Priya Mathur – Principal Medical Writer at AbbVie. PDA Roles: PDA Secretary, University Affairs Chair
- Katie Harris – Assistant Professor, Franklin College. PDA Role: Welcome Committee Co-Chair
- Mohana Ray – Account Executive, HDMZ. PDA Role: Seminar Committee Co-Chair
- Matt Eckwahl – Associate Program Officer – Science Innovation at the Walder Foundation. PDA Role: Seminar Committee Co-Chair
- John Leonard – Scientist at 3T Biosciences. PDA Roles: PDA President, 2018, Symposium Committee Chair, Past PDA Vice-President, myCHOICE Liaison
- Justin Luebke – Project Manager at Biofire Diagnostics. PDA Role: University Affairs Chair
- Colin McFaul – PDA Role: Welcome Committee Co-Chair
- Nicolaus Schmandt – Data Scientist at Tailored Brands. PDA Role: Social Committee Co-Chair
- Kasey Van Hedger – Postdoc at University of Western Ontario. PDA Role: Survey Committee Chair
- Aurelie Desgardin – Clinical Research Coordinator, University of Chicago Medicine. PDA Roles: Welcome Committee Chair, Seminar Committee Co-Chair
- Yulia Dzhashiashvili – Research Professional at University of Chicago. PDA Roles: Co-Chair of Seminar Committee, myCHOICE Liaison
- Aritro Nath – Postdoc at University of Minnesota. PDA Role: 2016 Symposium Committee Chair
- Kristina Martinez – Assistant Professor at Midwestern University. PDA Roles: PDA President 2015-2016, Co-chair of Teaching & Outreach Committee.
- Kristy Hentchel – AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow. PDA Roles: Vice-President and Co-chair Teaching & Outreach Committee (Outreach) 2016-2017.
- Joseph Pierre – Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. PDA Role: Survey Committee, National Postdoc Survey; Social Media Committee Chair.
- Erica Westerman – Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas. PDA Role: Survey Committee, Co-team lead on the National Postdoc Survey.
- Kyle Dolan – Head of Science and Innovation at British Consulate-General Chicago. PDA Role: Chair of Social Media Committee 2016, Future of Research Chicago 2015 Lead Co-Organizer, Chair Science Policy Committee 2014-2015.
- Margaret Pruitt – Postdoctoral Researcher, Worcester Polytech Inst. PDA Role: Co-chair of Teaching and Outreach (Teaching) and Chair of the Welcome Committee 2015-2016.
- Elizabeth Litte – Medical Writer in Pharma. PDA Role: Chair Science Policy Committee 2015-2016.
- Vanessa Leone – Pathways to Independence Instructor, UChicago. PDA Role: Executive Officer 2014-15, Chair of the University Affairs Committee.
- Daina Ringus – Medical Student at Northwestern. PDA Role: Executive Officer 2014-15.
- Irene Gallego Romero – Principal Investigator, University of Melbourne. PDA Role: Chair of the Welcome Committee 2014-2015, University Affairs Committee.
- Abby Stayart – myCHOICE Program Manager. PDA Role: Chair Teaching & Outreach Committee, Co-chair University Affairs, Member of Welcome and Symposium Committees.